Contact Us

Department Chair:
Dr. Joseph Witztum

B.A. Advisor:
Dr. Daniel Behar

M.A. Advisor:
Dr. Iyas Nasser

Department Secretary:
Sara Parnassa
Room 4507, Humanities Building
Tel.: 02-5883965

Table of Contents

Programs of Study

B.A. Studies

Starting in the 2023-2024 academic year, students may enroll in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature with no prior knowledge of Arabic!

All incoming students, after being notified of acceptance on the basis of university-wide and faculty-wide criteria, will be directed to the appropriate track by the B.A. Advisor, as follows:

  • Students starting their studies in the department without any prior knowledge of the Arabic language will be directed to the “Arabic from the Ground Up” track (see below);
  • Students whose native language is Arabic will be accepted to the Standard Track (see below). They may also request to enroll in the Combined Track, which combines studies for a degree in Arabic with studies for a teaching certificate (see below);
  • Students whose native language is not Arabic but have prior knowledge of the Arabic Language will be directed to a departmental language examination. Students who pass the examination may enroll in either the Standard Track or in the Combined Track (see below).
  • Students studying in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature Combined Track (B.A. degree + teaching certification), and whose second major is a B.A. program in the School of Education, are eligible for a special scholarship. For further details please contact the School of Education’s Office of Student Affairs.

The following curricula apply to students who begin their studies in the 2023-2024 academic year. For previous program curricula, choose the relevant year at the top of this page (in Hebrew) and then choose tzefiya ba-pereq for Arabic Language and Literature.

Study Tracks

The department offers three primary three-year study tracks. The study curriculum and credits required for graduation differ according to the chosen track.

Aims of Study

The courses of study in the department aim to impart to students a sound theoretical understanding and practical expertise in Literary Arabic, both classical and modern, alongside familiarity with various dialects of spoken Arabic. In our courses students read selections from the major genres of Arabic literature throughout the ages (including Judeo-Arabic). Studies are based primarily on close readings and an exacting understanding of these readings on the linguistic, cultural, historical, and religious levels.

Departmental Acceptance Criteria

Starting in the 2023-2024 academic, year students may enroll in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature with no prior knowledge of Arabic!

All incoming students, after being notified of acceptance on the basis of university-wide and faculty-wide criteria, will be directed to the appropriate track by the B.A. Advisor.

N.B.: At the beginning of the academic year students studying in the Standard Track and in the Combined Track will take an examination to determine their level of grammar in Literary Arabic. Students who pass the exam are granted an exemption from the course “Basic Arabic Grammar” (16103), and will take a two-credit elective in its stead over the course of their studies.

The Standard Track (Requires Prior Knowledge of Arabic)

Students studying in the Standard Track come with prior knowledge in Arabic. Over the course of their first year students reach an excellent level of mastery of the written language and acquire advanced skills in research and analysis. The basic courses impart to students a firm grounding in Arabic grammar and syntax and an acquaintance with the history of Arabic language and literature from the jāhiliyya to the present day. In the department’s advanced courses students plumb the depths of various forms of classical Arabic literature, the Qurʾān and ḥadīth, medieval literature and fine literature (adab), and encounter and explore the world of spoken Arabic dialects from various regions of the Middle East and North Africa. 

Students in the Standard Track may opt to study an additional Near-Eastern language, e.g. Farsi, Turkish, or other Semitic languages — subject to the approval of the departmental advisor.

Credits required for completion:

Standard Track: 64-68

Standard Track + additional Near-Eastern language: 68-72

For further details please consult the BA advisor.

The Combined Track (Requires Prior Knowledge of Arabic + Acceptance Interview at the School for Education)

This track offers an integrated course of study for students who wish to combine B.A. studies in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature and studies toward certification as an Arabic teacher. Students in this track are exempt from certain courses in the Regular Track curriculum, and likewise are exempt from some courses in the standard curriculum for a teaching certificate. Studies in the Combined Track include extensive on-site teaching practice at schools in and around Jerusalem.

Graduates of the Combined Track will receive, in addition to the B.A. in Arabic Language and Literature, certification to teach the Arabic language at the high school level. Receipt of the certificate is conditional on successful completion of the B.A. degree.

Students in the Combined Track must enroll in the Department for Teacher Education in advance of their second year of study.

Credits required for completion of the Combined Track: 90-94, of which 60-64 in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature.

For further details (in Hebrew) see here.

“Arabic from the Ground Up” Track (No Prior Knowledge of Arabic Required)

This track is designed for students with no prior knowledge of the Arabic language. In their first year of study, students in this track will take courses in the “Arabic in Arabic” program offered by the Faculty of Humanities’ Language Center, alongside basic courses in Islamic studies that do not require knowledge of Arabic. Between their first and second years students will take a four-credit summer course designed to improve their knowledge of grammar and reading level. In their second- and third-year courses students will further.

M.A. Studies

Students enroll in the M.A. program for a taught M.A. of coursework, or a research M.A. including coursework and the writing of a thesis. M.A. students in the research track choose their specialization from among the faculty specialties, and are paired with an advisor in their second and last year of study. The research M.A. often leads into doctoral study, which includes no study requirements and normally lasts four-five years.

All programs of study in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature are taught in Hebrew and Arabic.


*Information for overseas students wishing to enroll in degree programs at the Hebrew University may be found here in several languages.